Semiconductor Materials

Semiconductor an Introduction

There are few semiconductor materials which conductivity is around 10-4 ohm-m to 0.5 Ohm-m at normal ambient temperature. But materials are also having resistivity in this range. But a very important criteria that actual semiconductor materials are negative temperature co-efficient of resistance and act as insulator in absolute 0°K temperature. These materials are called as semiconductor. There are few some semiconducting materials are popularly used.

  1. Silicon
  2. Germanium
  3. Corbon
  4. Gallium Arsenide
  5. Selenium
  6. Cadmium sulphide

In above listed silicon are germanium are mostly used.

Structure of Silicon Atom

Silicon semiconductor atom with its electronic configuration
Figure: Silicon Atom

A silicon atom consists 14 protons in nucleus and 14 electrons are possessed in orbit around nucleus as per 2n2 rule. Along with 14 neutrons also available in nucleus.

Atomic Number of Silicon Atom =14 electron = 14 proton =14

Atomic Mass of silicon atom = 14 proton +14 neutron= 28

Electronic configuration as per 2n2 rule as follows,

First Orbit (n1) = 2x 12 = 2

Second Orbit = 2x 22 =8

Third orbit is valence orbit filled with remaining 4 electrons.

Crystal structure of silicon atom where each valance electrons made covalent band
Figure : Silicon atom structure

A silicon atom has  crystalline structure (see figure) and each surrounded by four atoms. Valance electrons of each atom made covalent bond with surrounded atom. In normal room temperature in made strong covalent band which need more energy to break it. As all valance electrons are shared with surrounding atom making by covalent bond no free electrons are available. Hence it is almost act as insulator.

Structure of Germanium Atom

Germanium semiconductor atom
Figure: Germanium Atom

A Germanium atom consists 32 protons in nucleus and 32 electrons are possessed in orbit around nucleus as per 2n2 rule. Along with 41 neutrons also available in nucleus.

Atomic Number of Germanium Atom =32 electron = 32 proton =32

Atomic Mass of Germanium atom = 32 proton +41 neutron= 73

Electronic configuration as per 2n2 rule as follows,

First Orbit (n1) = 2x 12 = 2

Second Orbit(n2) = 2x 22 =8

Second Orbit(n3) = 2x 32 =18

Third orbit is valence orbit filled with remaining 4 electrons.

A Germanium atom has  crystalline structure (see figure) and each surrounded by four atoms. Valance electrons of each atom made covalent bond with surrounded atom. In normal room temperature in made strong covalent band which need more energy to break it. As all valance electrons are shared with surrounding atom making by covalent bond no free electrons are available. Hence it is almost act as insulator

Comparison of Silicon and Germanium Atom

Atomic Number1432
Atomic Mass2873
Forbidden Energy gap1.12 eV0.72eV
Location of valence electronIn Third orbitIn Fourth orbit
Temperature sensitivityLessMore
ApplicationPower ElectronicsTransistors, fluorescent material
Table: Comparison of Silicon and Germanium
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