Basic Electricity Quiz Part-3

Created on By eeeterminal

Basic Electricity

Basic Electricity Quiz Part-3

This Basic Electricity Quiz part-3 contains 10 questions about atoms and its nature. It us continuation of basic Electricity Quiz part-2

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1. A copper conductor stretched to reduce diameter to half of its original value. What is be the resistance of same wire?

2 / 10

2. The drift velocity of the electron is approximately equal to ___________

3 / 10

3. Insulators have property of __________________ temperature co-efficient of the resistance

4 / 10

4. Conductivity of a conductor is reciprocal to

5 / 10

5. Find the quantity of the charge delivered by an electrical source provides 200 V potential difference and 1000 joule of the work done.

6 / 10

6. The specific resistance of a metallic conductor conductor ______________ with increase of the temperature

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7. Semiconductors have __________________temperature co-efficient of resistance

8 / 10

8. The resistance of the conductor running in straight is independent to the ____________ conductor

9 / 10

9. The potential difference of the energy source that provide 25 milli joule of energy for every one coulomb of charge  that flows in a circuit

10 / 10

10. Why eureka wire is widely used in heating element . Because it have ______________ temperature co-efficient of the resistance

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This basic electricity quiz part-3 contains basic electricity about fundamental like, charge, potential difference , nature of atoms, temperature co-efficient of the resistance etc.

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