Introduction of Computer

A computer is an electronic machine which gets input data, which process and provide output to users. A normal machine which perform a specific task also termed as computer like calculator which accept input from user and provide interpret result to users

Computer is a word which derived from a latin word “Computre” which means calculate. In earlier days it known as calculating machine . After 1945 it called as computer.

Basic Parts of Computer

Block diagram of the computer with input unit control unit output unit
Block diagram of the computer

For efficient operation of computer, these are more essential parts of a computer

  1. Input Unit
  2. Output Unit
  3. CPU (Central processing unit)

1. Input Unit

Input unit defined as which get instruction and data to perform a task by computer, it is provided by user to it.


Keyboard, mouse, Scanner etc.

2. Central Processing Unit

Central processing unit has responsible to interpret data received from input devices and process to it. Once it is processed it should be stored in memory unit or read from memory unit whenever it is required. CPU also subdivided into  three parts. They are,

  1. Control Unit
  2. Arithmetical and Logic unit
  3. Memory Unit

2.1 Control Unit

Control unit is primarily used to control all the computer functions and functionalities for data processing. All the components or devices like input and output devices attached to a computer interact with each other through the control unit.

2.2 Arithmetic and Logic unit

Arithmetic and logic unit perform arithmetic and logical instruction for given data. Arithmetical operation like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and logical operation like (AND, OR, NOT, NOR, XOR, XNOR) operations are carried out. While operation it shall be synchronized with memory and control unit.

2.3 Memory Unit

Before process data it must be stored into memory unit. So whenever required it will be read from here. Once data has been processed, it also must be stored before sending to output unit. A computer has two type of memory.

  1. Read/Write Memory
  2. Read only Memory

3. Output Unit

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