Basic Electricity Quiz Part-2

Created on By eeeterminal

Basic Electricity

Basic Electricity Quiz Part-2

This Basic Electricity Quiz part-2 contains 10 questions about atoms and its nature. It us continuation of basic Electricity Quiz part-1

1 / 10


10 billion electrons passing through crossing through a conductor in 0.01 second. Then resultant Current is

2 / 10

2. The current condition in a discharge tube, contains a gas due to

3 / 10

3. Potential difference  has unit of_________

4 / 10

4. Calculate the time taken to charge of 50 micro coulomb , pass through point , if current flow is 15 mA

5 / 10

5. The Electric current in the metallic conductor is due to flow of___________

6 / 10

6. The specific resistance of a conductor depends on

7 / 10

7. The quantity of charge that will transferred from one point to another point by conductor due to 1 A current flow for 1 hour period

8 / 10

8. Flow of the electric current in an electrolyte due to

9 / 10

9. EMF- Electromotive force of an electric circuit ______________in an electrical circuit

10 / 10

10. Electric current is a _____________ quantity

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The basic Electricity is deals about flow of electricity and charge, potential difference , current , nature of atoms etc. This quiz is continuation of basic Electricity Quiz part-1

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