Various Atomic Models
Since, earlier years various type of atomic models are demonstrated by scientist according to their experiment in atomic physics, Let see about that various model of atomic structure here.
Since, earlier years various type of atomic models are demonstrated by scientist according to their experiment in atomic physics, Let see about that various model of atomic structure here.
Electrical network made by interconnection of various elements like source, load resistances, control switches etc. While study Electrical network various types of terminology used for it. Let us study about these in details here. They are listed below,
The amount of energy available in electron is depends on orbit of an atom which it configured. The energy levels of electrons within their shell can be caused due to the changes in their energy levels. According to their energy level the band are classified as below,
Energy Band for Conductors Insualtors Semiconductors Read More »
Atom is a Greek word which means “it is indivisible further”. Universe made with variety kind of atom in nature. Atom is a smallest particle exists in every element. According to combination of elements it creates different kind of material depending on physical and chemical properties of an Atom.
As we know that resistance is a property which oppose to flow electric current through a material. But it is important to note that each material does not offer same value of resistance to flow of electricity. Definitely it differs from one material to another material.
Ohms Law says Current flowing through an electrical circuit is directly proportional to applied voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance offered by the circuit while ambient temperature and other conditions are remains constant.
A computer is an electronic machine which gets input data, which process and provide output to users. A normal machine which perform a specific task also termed as computer like calculator which accept input from user and provide interpret result to users
Some certain materials are in materials are behaves in between conductor and insulator. These materials are called as semiconductors. Its resistivity measure between insulator and conductor. These are few popular semiconductor materials are widely used world wide
An Electrical network which formed using multiple kind of elements such electrical source, control switches, loads, transmission medium. A electrical network made for purpose of transmit and consume electrical energy which generated from source to load. It does not matter that every network must contain all type of elements. It is required to develop a network to perform their function accordingly.
Electricity is a phenomenon which exists in nature. The universe each material made by various type of atoms. property of these material depends upon kind of atom found in it. According to these are dived into solid , liquid and gases etc.